

Greek Values

Bellerophon's values were individualism, because he was very known for killing the Chimera.He also had the pursuit of excellence, because he was the best he could ever be. The next thing that he did not have was to become a god, and that really did not work out for him. He had justice, because he was fair and always treated somebody the way that he was treated, and that included Pegasus. Last he had beauty, because he is right up there of what the Greeks think is beautiful.

Bellerophon's stories

      "You must kill the Chimera," said King Iobates. "If you do come back, you will be rewarded with great gifts."
Secretley, he wished for Bellerophon to get killed by the Chimera.
      "All right," Bellerophon said, and called for Pegasus.
    Higher and Higher they flew, towards the lair of the dreadful Chimera. Bellerophon took out his spear and got it ready. They got to the top of the mountain and there was a deep, dark cave with flames coming out of it. Then there was a growl, and a monster came out of the cave and he was nothing like anybody had ever seen before. The Chimera's top half of his body was a lion, the second half was a goat, and it's tail was a snake. Bellerophon realized what he had gotten himself into. He told himself, it's now or never. He took his spear and Pegasus dove. He jabbed with his spear at the Chimera. The monster breathed fire at him. But before the monster could take anothor breath, Pegasus dove and Bellerphon stabbed the Chimera right in the heart. Bellerophon was a hero now.

Other Greeks assoicated with Bellerophon

There were a lot of Greeks in Bellerophon's stories. Some were good, and some were evil and Bellerophon did not like him. The good one's were:
Pegasus- Bellerophon rode on his back.
Poseidon-is Bellerophon’s father.
Eurynome- is Bellerophon’s mother.
Philonoe- is Bellerophon’s wife.
Hippolochus-one of Bellerophon’s children.
Isandrus-one of Bellerophon’s children.
Laodamia-one of Bellerophon’s children.
The bad ones were:
The Chimera- Bellerophon killed this monster.
King Iobates- Sends Bellerophon to kill the Chimera and realizes that he is the son of Poseidon.
King Proteus-exiled Bellerophon to King Iobates’ land.
Stheneboea- Bellerophon kisses her and then she tells her husband that he had tried to violate her.

Bellerophon's Powers

Bellerophon has some of the best powers in the world. (According to Greek mythology.) He has the winged horse Pegasus, and he uses that to kill the Chimera. He also has this magic spear. He also can control what water does when he wants to because he is the son of Poseidon.

Bellerophon's symbol and tools

Bellerophon's symbol is a drawing of him of the back of Pegasus. He also had a second symbol which is a drawing of him defeating the Chimera. He's tool is a spear.

Bellerophon Facts

Here are some facts about one of the most powerful and coolsest hero of the greeks, Bellerophon.
Bellerophon is a greedy person, he always wanted more. After he killed the Chimera, he got great power and was very known in Greece. But he wanted to be a god. He tried to fly up to Mount Olympus on Pegasus. This made Zeus very angry. He shocked Pegasus, therefore causing the winged horse to rear up and Bellerophon got thrown off his back. Athena took pity on him and caused him to land in a soft spot. But for the rest of his life, Bellerophon walked crippled and alone, looking for Pegasus.
Bellerophon is a brave person of course. He killed the Chimera! But unlike any of the other heroes, he does not have any magic sword or shield. He has a regular, old spear.
Bellerophon had to have gone a quest for King Iobates. In Greek Mythology, that quest was to kill the Chimera. But maybe it was not that. But people do know for a fact that he went on a quest for King Iobates, because King Iobates was real.
I also know that King Proetus exiled Bellerophon to King Iobates' land. This is true because King Iobates had sent Bellerophon on a quest, but Bellerophon had to get there first. So we know that King Proteus exiled Bellerophon to King Iobates' land.

Places associated with Bellerophon

Bellerophon was in a lot of places at his lifetime. Some didn't have a importance at all, but some were very important. Here you can find out where they are and what they are.
Mt. Olympus, because he tried to fly Pegasus up to here and it didn't really work out the way he planned it to.
King Proteus' land, because he was exiled from here. 

King Iobates' land, because he was exiled to here and was told to go and kill the Chimera.
Mountain that the Chimera lives in, because he killed the Chimera here.

Bellerophon modern day allusions refer to this Greek. 

He is in a movie called: Mythic warriors, Guardians of the legend. There is also this thing called Bellerophon's tablet, which is a really nice and gold tablet.

Websites on Bellerophon

Google Images

Some Bellerophon pics
